Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Hello all future LEADERS of BB14thCoy.

Okay today someth unpleasant happened, if you do not know of which

pls go to the AQ Website for more details


Yes, u all have heard Sergeant Destinyz

but think twice. Our Sergeant Destinyz is not fully to blame for cancelling the AQ training.

Basically there are two reasons that lead to the result of this

1. The lack of discipline.

Discipline, as one of the officers mentioned before, it is one of the pillars of The Boy's Brigade, the fundermental.
Okay,this blog is created for suggestions to improve BB & yes what we keep talking about, our goal, to revolutionize BB.
And in order to achieve our goals, what we need are Good Leaders.

What is leadership?

Example is leadership

- Albert Schweitzer –

As Leaders we should set good examples for our man to follow and what happened today?

We( the future leaders of this company) skipped the training cause of tests?
Yes if u read the AQ blog, kahkee is right, we ALL are under the same circumstances,we hafto take tests and yes the school & even the offciers
emphasizes on getting good results , this leads to prioritizing and time management.

For ur info, our Sergeant Destinyz spoke to Mr Poh about today on our(sec3) behalf regarding this incident.
Mr Poh: Why must the boys study so last minute, why cant they study earlier
(according to Destinyz, this was what Mr Poh said)
Yes dont u all agree?

secondly, i would like to talk about our IMAGE as Seniors/Leaders.
Our image had been tarnished today, definitely. The reasons why the training was cancelled have been posted on the world wide web. juniors can easily access to it, what do you think is their opinion of ours now?
Its definitely not like seniors that we look up to, for eg, Tay Guo En, Jeremy Ang, Toh Cher han.
Therefore our image is very important and we should uphold and maybe bring it to greater extends.

How to improve/maintain on our image?

First and foremost,
Tucking in our shirts.
Okay i know, we all dont relli like tucking in, its such a hassle and it looks ugly.
Would u rather tuck in? or rather your mistake being pointed out by juniors? think.

Secondly, our attitude towards our seniors & during parade.

Okay, i do know we feel that the sec4 batch are doing a lousy job in leading us, we feel insecure when they lead us. We say things like OMG WHY IS IT SO DISORGANISED AND STUFF and this lead to a major downfall in our standard( the sec3 cohort's standard). Because we think they're no good, we show little respect for them unless we're being commanded.Our attitude changes and look, we become slack.
For eg during orientation, we thought the whole thing was disorganised and people like kenneth tham, playing with their handphones & slacking around.(Ps im not directing at you, im just giving at example. no offence)
Yes and why the hell is kahkee playin with water gun while traing those in Musical Drill. Okay , that is someth taht we should not learn, it portayed a very childish and unserious image of him and that is not what we want juniors to think of us.
Yes , thats where it began, our perception of seniors sucks and that inturn lowered the standard of our batch.
I got feedback from one of our seniors during the setting up of the BB booth .
The whole of bunch of us(BB 14th coy) looks very UGLY, as in disorganised.
some people doing work, some playing, some here some there, and people trying to escape from punishment. okay that showed how disorganised it was and we shuldn be worsening the situation but instead asking for instructions.
& this foul attitude towards seniors
reflected slack movements & attitude during parade.
when we're doing drills, why in the world are some of us , laughing & joking.
even the drills of the stage 2 are better than us stage 3? one more thing from what i observed, we treat punishments like jokes. Sometimes i see people laughing while running( i must admit, me included) and also the moment we completed our punishments we forget what we are punished for. We as future leaders must now know that we dont pump and forget, we pump to learn and amend to prevent us from committing mistakes.


Image is very important, coz we wont want our junior to go like, wah the sec3 batch so lousy. what we wish to attain at the end of the day is for our junior's perception of us to be like what we haf of guoen's batch. Who doesnt admit that they're dammit good?

Love and respect do not automatically accompany a position of leadership. They must be earned

- Anonymous –

The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help them or concluded that you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership

- Colin Powell, US Secretary of State –

2. The Lack of interest

hahah yes i know..or maybe.. We all know, BB is getting more & more boring.
of course who isn bored after doing practically the same thing weekly,for 3 years..

Interest ( The Work below isnt done by me, but i think its rather true)

The West focuses on setting objectives. Smaller objectives that in turn support larger objectives. Tactics and methods are then used to support the fulfillment of these objectives.

The Eastern (Chinese) framework focuses on process. Process which causes various affairs and events to occur. By focusing and analyzing the process, by directing the process, taking account of various situation influences, one will thereby achieve one’s objectives naturally without working towards it.
In ancient China, a man fell into a deep waterfall from which no one was known to survive without drowning.
Miraculously, he survived. When asked as to how he survived, he replied: “ The natural tendency is to struggle to swim immediately to the surface. That is why so many who had dropped into the waterfall had not survived. However, I did not struggle, but instead allowed the water currents to lead me, knowing that eventually it will bring me to the surface.

The story goes that from then on the man had a habit of dipping into waterfalls daily for 20 years without any danger.

Through the above analogy we can identify the difference between the East and the West. The Western method would be to swim upwards immediately to reach for fresh air. The Eastern framework would lie in assessing the process, and following the unobvious route, which was indeed the right route.

Sir William Alexander Smith has written the Object of the Boy’s Brigade in clearly defined terms. However, the method to achieve it may not be direct.

Punishing someone with the view to inculcating the value of discipline because he is not disciplined does not necessary translate into the relevant value being learnt (meaning one does not understand the process involved). By doing so, the good-willed officer/senior may be making a grave mistake instead, prompting the Boy to appear obedient and disciplined whenever he is in their sight. However, true understanding does not exist in their heart, and it is all but a matter of hypocrisy and facade.

Values will only be inculcated when those being disciplined truly respect the discipline administrator, seeing that there should be a good reason why he/she was being punished, thereby re-examining oneself for faults.

Values can come only through a pride that is held in one’s heart , in turn dependent on one having a beginning spark of interest in the BB way of life.
Interest is the most important aspect without which any organization will find itself in difficulty before long.

An organization survives on interest from its members

The process by which an organization fulfills its objectives:

Interest => Pride => Inculcation of Organizational values => Fulfillment of Organizational objectives

To conscientiously cultivate values, pride in being an organizational members, and single mindedly aim to achieve organizational objectives without regard for the basic process is bound to fail. This is akin to trying to scale a mountain when one has not even climbed a normal hill before!

Thereby recognize that if organizational objectives have not been achieved satisfactorily, it is usually/partly to a certain extent due to the basic groundwork/foundation not being established.


The most important reason why an organization survives is because of interest by its members in the organization. Without any interest, no matter how little or rudimentary, organizational members have no basic belonging in the organization.

Therefore we can say that the foundation of organizations exists in interest. Not anything else. Most utmost care should be taken to nurture interest for new organizational members

However, there was this X hotel which created a drastic change in management philosophy, creating a total customer management philosophy. Receptionists would remember every single guest personally and this extended down to their favourite food and habits, and even minor issues like their preferred room temperature. Take the following story which occurred:

A porter in X hotel suddenly disappeared one day. No one knew where he went. 3 days later, he came back and reported for work. When asked by his superior, he said that his absence was due to his chasing after a guest on motorbike to Kuala Lumpur from Singapore for 2 days and nights. The guest had forgotten his briefcase. Incidentally, the hotel guest happened to be in a rush for a major client meeting and his briefcase contained confidential documents and a huge sum of cash.

This hotel is the now renowned Ritz-Carlton, which succeeded in differentiating itself in becoming the “best hotel in the world” due to the change in its management philosophy. For employees of Ritz Carlton, the most important issue/ideal for them is a total interest in customer dedication. Not customer service.

Interest here refers to not just interest in the organizational lifestyle and activities. But also to the people culture. It can be any of this form. It can be a change initiated by culture.

Contemplate on it.

Interest, yes. we want everyone to be interested in bb that will lead to
Less people skipping parades and stuff.
For eg, when we're recruits, i thought that, wow drill is so cool and stuff, i like it alot and very much want to be cool like the seniors.
Interest will also ultimately affect what u are coz if ure interested in someth
u will definitely bring the best out of it.
for eg tham likes dota ALOT, thats how he is so good at it.

One last thing,
Lessons Learnt today regarding to the AQ incident.

I feel that cherng ru shouldn released us, as a leader, he should make good use of his authority and make us go for the training.
As keane said," As a leader, you should never succumb to pressure "

Yes,i think that all of us should change, for the better.

"In order to change things, you should change urself first" quoted by chin wei jian

In order to revolutionize BB and bring it back to how it was like years ago, where BB has the best standard among all the UG..
lets all CHANGE, its never too late.

signing off

CPL Ko Ming Jun

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